What should be the sales system to really teach how to sell

She must:

1. Set a task for which a detailed theory will be needed;

2. Present the theory for solving this problem in an interesting, entertaining way – this increases memorization due to the form of presentation and understanding of how the theory will be used to solve a specific problem;

3. Contain several stages of skill development with a return to theory until the skill is brought to automatism, and the theory is not fully mastered, taking into account the laws of memory, or rather the laws of forgetting.
The third point is almost always missing in the training system for sales managers. It is believed that it refers to practice. It remains on the conscience of the manager himself and the head of the sales department. And this stage is the most difficult and important. You can learn information about the theory of sales from books. The most important thing is to get a system for applying information, absorb it into the blood and bring the sales skill to automatism.

Practical tips for a manager to help you sell more

1. Speak slower
A common involuntary fallacy of sales managers is to compare themselves and the client. When you get used to giving out 30 words in 10 seconds, then it starts to seem to you that everyone around you also talk like that, which is not true. Most people, especially executives, are in a relaxed state (not like you are stressed out with the desire to sell). Their speech can radically differ from yours: on the same intonation, unemotional, relatively slow. Try to overcome the habit of chattering like hundreds of the same calling managers! In addition, listening to fast speech, a person gets tired and more difficult to remember.

2. Ask more than tell
This is stated in almost any literature on the topic “how to learn to sell.” But let’s repeat it again:

only by asking questions – you can “lead” a person from a monologue into a dialogue;
only by achieving loyalty specifically to you will you be able to make a person trust the company as a whole;
only dialogue can “turn” you from a “buy our service” beggar into a “I’ll help you achieve what you want” consultant.
Learn more about SPIN – the technique of negotiating with the help of questions.

3. Look for decision maker
More than half of all sales managers do not really know who they are talking to. And that means they work for nothing. Just at this moment, you will need methods of getting around secretaries, clarifying job responsibilities, clarifying direct contacts of decision makers (telephone, mail). Sometimes the first attempt to reach the decision maker will not work, but do not give up – try to go in another way!

Learn more about decision makers and how to reach them.

4. Brevity is the sister of talent, simplicity is the key to success
Time is not only money, but also spent energy. Therefore, save not only your time, but also the client. The principle is simple: either a person needs your product / service or not. The intermediate option “needed, but he doesn’t know it” is nothing more than work on identifying a need. Therefore, do not waste time persuading when “it is not necessary”, limiting yourself to clarifying “whether it will be needed in the future?” and work with the target client: identifying needs, presentation, handling objections, etc.

5. Watch HOW you speak
On the issue of non-verbal communication. The tone of the voice is businesslike, the speed of speech is measured, the intonation is on a smile, it is better to stand or sit with a straight back during a conversation. breathing will be different. Watch for pauses in the conversation, make them on purpose so that the client fills them himself. Last but not least, try to understand how your interlocutor is speaking. It will also be useful from the point of view of “mirroring” him and hearing unformulated doubt, irritation, interest, evasions, etc.

6. Be on a par with the client
“You have a product – we have a merchant” – what do you think is more important ?! When you think that your proposed product is just an imposition of unnecessary things, then you can safely quit and look for another product that the client needs as much as you need the deal. Every person, no matter the physical. or legal a person who wants to make a “good deal” that will benefit him. If a sales manager takes a “position from below”, only for the gentleman-boyar to deign, then the person immediately gets the feeling that the product is bad, since the manager has to crucify like that. So don’t confuse politeness with “good deal” negotiation.

7. Come up with reasons for repeat calls and meetings
Call the client on the topic “have you changed your mind?” or “is it relevant now?” – not the best idea. You should avoid questions that can be answered in one word: yes / no (I don’t want / not convenient / busy / not interested, etc.). It’s better to come up with some reason where you not only remind about the company’s services, but also find out if there are changes in the issues discussed earlier. For example: “Sergey Ivanovich, I am calling to inform you that we have a new delivery of products. After all, we discussed our range of products just a month ago.” Or: “Svetlana Viktorovna, I hasten to tell you that in a week we will begin summer discounts on goods that you asked. You remember we talked about brackets! … “. Or even like this: “Pyotr Gavrilovich, we have a special mailing list for people interested in computer technology. Once a week we send the best specials to the post office. suggestions. Let me include you in the list, this does not oblige you to anything, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time. By the way, how about the processor that we discussed earlier, did you buy it?

8. Know your USP
It’s unfortunate, but many product presentations sound learned by heart, like a poem, or everything is limited to just listing technical characteristics. Never forget the golden rule “Sell benefits, not products!”. In the case when your product is not the only one on the market, then we are talking about the unique selling proposition of this company. For example: service – site creation, USP – site creation in 3 days, advantage – you can start making money using the Internet in 3 days.

9. Don’t be offended, don’t get angry, never say never.
Emotions in sales are a bad thing. Therefore, learn to lose with dignity, without losing your face and without dropping the face of the company. The main thing – do not burn bridges! If you chose another company: “It’s not a shame to lose to a worthy company.” If you change your mind in principle: “Clearly. Are you interested in our other products/services? or “Just in case, save my contacts, when you need something, call us – we have the most favorable conditions!”. If the deadline for making a decision is postponed: “Tell me, when should I call you back?” Even if you are sure that the call to this client is useless – call, maybe you just didn’t manage to get through to him at that time or the moment was unsuccessful!

10. Read, grow
Reading improves speech and spelling. If this is special literature on sales, then a cognitive plus is also superimposed. Periodically attend seminars, webinars, subscribe to the newsletter. This will help you avoid the routine and look at sales in a new way, or even entertain, which is also good for good spirits.

“Ok, great theory,” you say! But what does it look like in practice? Easy peasy! Here is an online sales skills training that works exactly according to these laws. Look, analyze, decide on the effectiveness of this approach. I hope I was able to answer your question: “How to learn how to sell a product?” For more detailed information, please call!