Eight Principles of Successful Entrepreneurs

So, do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? Do you have a clear plan for the future? If so, how diligently do you follow it? Do you feel like you’ve taken on another of the greatest things you’ve done since the founding of Microsoft? If so, then it can be assumed that you have at least some entrepreneurial qualities. You, like all entrepreneurs, think big. But you are not yet an experienced entrepreneur. To become one, it is not enough just a cherished dream or a grandiose idea.

If it comes to that, entrepreneurs differ from the rest of the people in their willingness to act and perseverance in pursuing their dreams.

They are not just talkers. They are business people. What else distinguishes them from others? Exactly how they operate. Of course, every person has a dream, and everyone has their own way to this dream. But it is exactly when, why, what and how entrepreneurs do to achieve their dreams that makes them special.

The ability to see the invisible

First principle: Entrepreneurs have the ability to recognize opportunities and seize them.

If you read the first principle carefully, you will notice that it has two elements. First, recognize the opportunity, and second, seize it. It’s not the same at all. The first is to see the opportunity. The second is to act accordingly. Entrepreneurs always do both. They see and act.

Entrepreneurs have a gift for seeing things that others don’t. They see the extraordinary in the ordinary. They know how to find opportunities that are not visible at first glance. There are no problems for entrepreneurs. They see problems as opportunities that are just waiting to be exploited.

To become an entrepreneur, it is not enough just to find a solution. Anyone can solve any problem.

The entrepreneur is distinguished by his ability to find an unusual solution to ordinary problems. Unusual does not mean that he has to invent some new technology. He just needs to find a new creative way of doing things.

For entrepreneurs, there is never a single answer. They constantly consider the same issues from different points of view.

All of them are free people

Second principle: Entrepreneurs have an irresistible attraction to management. In addition, they have the gift of effective leadership.

Entrepreneurs are loyal to one single boss – themselves. They reject all power over themselves. Of course, they all worked for others at some point in their lives. Most likely, it was then that they felt the need to start their own business. These people simply can’t stand other people’s orders and can’t work in a system that doesn’t suit them.

Entrepreneurs want to lead. No, rather, they just need to be led. This need is not so much a desire for power as a desire for freedom. They need flexibility – the ability to do things in their own way and at their own pace. They need the freedom to manage their lives, and therefore their own business.

The desire for leadership in the absence of a love of power underlines the ability of entrepreneurs to manage effectively. Entrepreneurs are born leaders. They lead people by setting an example for them.

Their ethical behavior and honesty earns respect from others. Moreover, they are respected not for their rank, but for their true nature.

The conductor of orchestra

Being natural leaders, entrepreneurs know how to inspire their colleagues and employees. They make every person who works for them feel important. They hire good people, give them enough freedom to do quality work, and most of all, treat them with respect. Entrepreneurs value loyalty, are good listeners, and are more of a mentor than a critic.

Result: good karma. Everything comes back to them twice. Firstly, such entrepreneurs are very effective leaders, so people stay with them for a long time. Their companies have very low employee turnover. With them and for them, people work with greater efficiency. Their employees are highly productive. Secondly, because such entrepreneurs are good listeners, they learn a lot and are able to apply this knowledge to the benefit of their business.

No matter how generous they may be, they will not tolerate bad, low-quality work. Such entrepreneurs always act honestly. No matter how generous they are were in relation to their employees, they always demand quality work.